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Hey everyone! I'm the Social Media Specialist at BGH Studios in Dayton, Ohio. I specialize in development, strategy, implementation and measurement of many types of social media campaigns.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Celebrity Tweets

Oh, goodie...a full list of celebrities first tweets on Twitter. I was just holding on to the edge of my seat for this.


So really now, I find this article to have about a "2" on the fun-scale (I'm mocking one of the responses). About two weeks ago, Lewis Black was on television and stated that he is now on Twitter...and I think he mentioned that he gets paid. I have about a hand full of feelings towards this whole, "I'm a celebrity. I'm on Twitter. See, I'm still cool, but really I get paid a ton of money for it." Openly admitting to getting paid for using Twitter was genius and especially from Lewis Black as he exposed the true drive behind celebrity Twitter, but some of these celebs that made it into "celeb-world" for god-knows-what reason just need to stay off of it. The statistic is that roughly 20% of Twitter users are blocking the airways with meaningless, "What did I eat for lunch today?" type questions that clutter and muttle the true phenomenon of Twitter. I am a firm believer that many of these types of people are both celebrities and those that think that because their favorite celeb posted about their lunch they also need to. I sort of relate these celebs to the spammers on Twitter who bombard you with nothing but promotions and how to make a fast buck. When can we realize what the value of Twitter is and that it's not just a mere penny savor ad for the lost and stupid.

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