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Hey everyone! I'm the Social Media Specialist at BGH Studios in Dayton, Ohio. I specialize in development, strategy, implementation and measurement of many types of social media campaigns.

Friday, November 13, 2009


An interesting article from the NY Times was nothing short of "on target" for the upcoming Twitter craze. It seems that because Twitter is SO overconsumed by tweets about subjects from Ft. Hood to the latest television episode, these tweets are becoming too jumbled. As I had predicted...

Twitter will possibly start it's own geolocation which will allow for more targeted conversations, just enough to sift through the ads and promotions. The interesting concept of geolcation, from Cohen's perspective, is that it will "have the potential to make the Internet suddenly relevant to society as it is lived, not just relevant to what happens online"(NYT, 2009).

The element of too much information, too little privacy and just too much public is becoming the sole issue here. What to do next... To put it simply, the new private is the new public.

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