About Me

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Hey everyone! I'm the Social Media Specialist at BGH Studios in Dayton, Ohio. I specialize in development, strategy, implementation and measurement of many types of social media campaigns.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mobile phones, social networks and Thanksgiving

This is an eventful week! Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up at the beginning of next week. With all of these exciting and potentially stressful days coming up, social media and your mobile can do a few things for you.

1. Social Media, Thanksgiving and Stress Relief: YES, social media can be used as a means to relieve stress. Just think, when your mother is sternly asking you to keep the 10+ screaming little ones out of the kitchen while the turkey is being carved, put ice in all of the glasses, plus find out what everyone wants to drink, set the table, round up the guys from playing football outside and put the two barking dogs in their cages, what will you do? I say, pull out your mobile and tell your Facebook and Twitter friends exactly how you feel...overwhelmed.

The thing is that we ALL get stressed out during the holiday season, no matter what our role is. Take a few minutes to lock yourself in the bathroom or god forbid, your highschool bedroom, and take a minute to see what everyone else in your network is saying. I'm almost positive that they will be just as overwhelmed as you are or worse. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts with your network, it may make you feel a little bit more like you are on your normal schedule and not in family-crisis mode. Just remember to take a deep breath in and write what you are feeling, BUT remember to not say anything that you wouldn't say to someone's face or you would regret later! I HIGHLY stress this and you have now been warned!

2. Social Media and Black Friday/Cyber Monday: This year, and maybe even next, social media platforms and networks are THE place to go to get great deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you aren't sure where to go, simply jump on your Twitter or Facebook account and search for "Black Friday". Something will pop up whether it is a list of Black Friday specific accounts or special deals.

In a preliminary search that I just conducted, I found one website that listed over 16,000 deals for Friday! Companies included were Best Buy, Macys, Bath and Body Works, etc. http://www.black-friday.net/

In addition, if you are wanting more specialized company discounts and mark-downs for the upcoming shopping weekend, go to each company's profile. If you are looking for a Panasonic LCD, then head over to Panasonic's Facebook or Twitter page. I'm sure they have something listed. A few other key companies that are utilizing social networks for this weekend are Apple, Wal-Mart, Target, Kohls, K-Mart and others. Specialized games such as Call of Duty are being displayed on networks as well. So, no matter what gift you are shopping for, you are surely able to find it with the help of social networks.

Finally, once you have calmed down from the stress of this week and are at your local Best Buy trying to decide what TV has a better product review over another, simply pull out your mobile and do a product search. See, smart phones and social networks are really here to help make your life and your Thanksgiving week go much smoother.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Teens text while driving...Duh!

A recent article by William Hershey from the Dayton Daily News caught my eye as it highlighted the amount of teenagers that are texting while driving. Now, come on. Most of us text while driving, whether we are teenagers or not...and we know it's bad, but we still have that need to be connected in any way possible. Whether we are cutting off grandma or doing a rolling stop, we simply have to get the text out.

However, the article provided some figures that I would like to share.

More than 1 in 3 (34%) of texting teens ages 16-17 text while driving.
48% of 12-17 year olds say they have been in a car while the driver was texting.
75% ages 12-17 own a cell phone.
52% 16-17 year old cell phone owners talk on a cell phone while driving.
40% of 12-17 year olds have been in the car while the driver was on a phone.

So my question becomes: whr do u c ths goin n a yr? Hghr #s? Dunno...w8 n c.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Social Media People: Wake up!

If you are like me in any way, you are constantly on your computer, phone or even stealing your friend's phone to get a quick blurb in on your social networks. It becomes an addiction, and HELLO people, a new way to communicate.

However, I want to stress that it's not just about posting. There's much more to social media than that. It's about the engagement, the content, the origionality, authenticity, trustworthiness and oh, did I say content?

Content is what is going to get your viewers invovlved. Wether it's from YouTube through video engagement or from talking about a new breakfast meal that is easy, fun and your kids will love before going to school, which appeals to moms across the United States. Hence, it can ALL be relevant.

So I say "Wake up!" to all the "social media gurus" that simply utilize one network over another...Twitter especially. I encourage you to expand your horizons, think outside of the Twitter craze (which will implode in T minus a few months), Facebook craze, whatever, and think broadly. Think of exactly WHERE social media is going and where it's been. Start thinking of how you can incorporate social media into both your personal and professional lives? What can you do to grow your network? What exactly IS your network?

These are simple questions that the social media guru and user should know. If you don't - WAKE UP! Drink some coffee (may I recommend Starbucks Extra Bold) and start doing your homework. Now is the time to act!

The point: It's always better to be an early adopter than a laggard.

Friday, November 13, 2009


An interesting article from the NY Times was nothing short of "on target" for the upcoming Twitter craze. It seems that because Twitter is SO overconsumed by tweets about subjects from Ft. Hood to the latest television episode, these tweets are becoming too jumbled. As I had predicted...

Twitter will possibly start it's own geolocation which will allow for more targeted conversations, just enough to sift through the ads and promotions. The interesting concept of geolcation, from Cohen's perspective, is that it will "have the potential to make the Internet suddenly relevant to society as it is lived, not just relevant to what happens online"(NYT, 2009).

The element of too much information, too little privacy and just too much public is becoming the sole issue here. What to do next... To put it simply, the new private is the new public.

New Media Event tomorrow


Tomorrow there will be a New Media social at the Pub over in the Greene which will focus on social media, strategy, implementation, marketing and networking. Oh, and you can enjoy a nice beer during the session.

I will be attending this shin-dig in hopes to meet new people and experience some real life social media at it's best: a bunch of social media gurus/novices that are interested in the same subject and who heard about the event through the channels of social media.

If you are able, it will be a great event to attend as social media in Dayton and Cincinnati has been in the ground-breaking stage as far as development.

Starts: Saturday November 14, 2009, 04:00PM
Ends: Saturday November 14, 2009, 07:00PM
Event Type: Networking/Meetup
Location: The Pub at The Greene
39 Greene Blvd
Beavercreek, OH 45440 US
Website: http://tinyurl.com/ld2v8x
Industry: internet
Keywords: New Media Dayton, meetup, The Pub, social media, New Media Cincinnati, The Greene, Beavercreek, Ohio, Daniel Johnson Jr., Twitter, tweetup
Intended For: Social Media Consultant, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Communications, Journalist, Editor, Reporter, Business Owner, CEO, President
Organization: New Media Dayton

New Media Dayton's first simultaneous event held in conjunction with New Media Cincy's monthly event. Free WiFi and live video feed from our friends in Cincinnati.

November Topic: Social Media -- Best practices / ideas / experiments for 2009.

All levels of social media users welcome. Share your experiences with others, meet new friends, network, learn from others and have fun!

Cheers and bottoms up!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BGH Interview

I'm not sure if everyone was able to see the viral video we made of our Interview process, but here it is. It's real, ok? That's exactly what we had to go through to get hired on in this joint.

Anyway, our Video/film producer and Art Director are featured in this piece and have more interesting concepts in their little creative heads. Stay tuned for more exciting and quick snapshots of what we can do.

Here's a link to the video if you haven't checked it out:

If you get the chance to watch it, let us know what you think. We're all ears. And naturally, mine are big.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Today I read an interesting article that did nothing shy of bastardize those in social media that are 25 years old. Really, I’m not shocked. I’m not surprised that each week articles from self-proclaimed social media gurus pop up and give an already heard rant on why those in social media should not be 25 years old. My question is why? Those that are now 25 grew up on computers (I had my own computer at the age 6), were along for the ride of explosive pop culture, saw the Internet grow and have the fastest fingers on the mobile phone front. Many explanations from these media gurus are that those that are 25 do not have the experience or the tact to begin to deal with the marketing and public relations tasks that arise in every day business and personal life. Again, is this the only reason? Yes, those that are 25 may not have the 20+ years of experience that some media gurus have, but when it comes to this new and remarkable phenomenon, many 25 to 50 year olds agree that social media should be integrated into the standard marketing mix of tomorrow. When will this stop? Wll it end when those of us that are 25 start ranting about those that grew up participating in mobile technology since the age of 6? It brings up interesting questions that not only hit the social media front, but also the generational divide. Well see…

Celebrity Tweets

Oh, goodie...a full list of celebrities first tweets on Twitter. I was just holding on to the edge of my seat for this.


So really now, I find this article to have about a "2" on the fun-scale (I'm mocking one of the responses). About two weeks ago, Lewis Black was on television and stated that he is now on Twitter...and I think he mentioned that he gets paid. I have about a hand full of feelings towards this whole, "I'm a celebrity. I'm on Twitter. See, I'm still cool, but really I get paid a ton of money for it." Openly admitting to getting paid for using Twitter was genius and especially from Lewis Black as he exposed the true drive behind celebrity Twitter, but some of these celebs that made it into "celeb-world" for god-knows-what reason just need to stay off of it. The statistic is that roughly 20% of Twitter users are blocking the airways with meaningless, "What did I eat for lunch today?" type questions that clutter and muttle the true phenomenon of Twitter. I am a firm believer that many of these types of people are both celebrities and those that think that because their favorite celeb posted about their lunch they also need to. I sort of relate these celebs to the spammers on Twitter who bombard you with nothing but promotions and how to make a fast buck. When can we realize what the value of Twitter is and that it's not just a mere penny savor ad for the lost and stupid.